Monday, November 30, 2009

Balcony Shots

Took these from the balcony at my office.
Shooting on the film is finished, sent the film to toronto to get developed and digitized, now i have to wait about 3 weeks.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

few and far between

i have been taking pictures but not developing them, which is kind of weird for me. but this whole application process for grad studies is so very tedious and somewhat overwhelming. i am finally done with the University of Alberta...i think. now onto Univ of Calgary, Univ of Saskatchewan and Univ of Manitoba. as overwhelming as it is i am still quite excited, which i take as a good sign. i have also had to push back the shooting of the short film a couple weeks. turns out it's more difficult working with film that i first thought. i had to send away some film to toronto in order to get it developed. so i am at their mercy with time. i am hoping to shoot it the last weekend in november. i think my initial aim to have it finished by xmas is out the window. but that's alright.