these are the last pictures i will post of the cd release party and the weekend in general, i think. i could be wrong though. i took a lot that weekend. so there you have it. spiderman comes out a week today. make sure you go see it. it's going to be awesome.
these are some randoms pics of my friend dave. aka ghost dog. he's doing various things here like playing guitar and standing around. he's good at doing both. i have no idea what i'm saying. anyway...hope you're all well. and enjoying this fabulous weather in edmonton. if anyone from edmonton looks at this thing. and now i'm babbling.
so here are some black and whites that i took over the last year or so. the flowers are the first ones that i ever gave jodi. on her birthday, with the first DC Talk cd. best gift ever. the bottom one is of brock. if you look closely enough you can see his nipples through his shirt. a wonderous sight. p.s. i got a digital camera last week. and i am still trying to figure out how to use it. i think it may take me a while. but that's alright i like learning that kind of stuff. anyway, go canucks go.
to continue where the last one took off. these are people that were at the cd release party. someone told me the bottom one looks like it should be on a restaurant menu so if you know anyone in that business let me know. oh yeah i need $65 to buy something. so if you have the money let me know. thanks. talk to you soon.
these are some pictures from nathan carroll's cd release party a couple weeks ago. i did the best i could but i hate yellow lights and i am sure they hate me too. oh well. the show was a lot of fun. lots and lots of fun. ps. i just shaved my face. not sure how i feel about it just yet. i'm actually going to grow the beard back right away but i thought it would be fun to shave it. and let me tell you it is loads of fun. have a good night.
these were taken in february when i went home to visit my family. my dad and i went down to the falls for a little peak. i always thought the falls looked the best in the winter. maybe because hardly anyone was around. anyway...enjoy.