Saturday, July 14, 2007

ode to the artwalk

so today was the artwalk. i was very much looking forward to it all week long. actually to be honest for at least a couple months. i love this stuff. this year was different from last because there was a lot more photography. for any of you that don't know, the artwalk is a weekend where local artists and other artists from out of town come here to showcase their stuff. they set up on sidewalks for about 4 blocks. absolutely incredible. so anyway the 2 pictures above are what jodi and i bought. the bottom one is a photograph that i just thought was amazing. the guy who did it has a dark room and develops pictures himself. if you want to see more of him his name is in the left bottom corner. just do his name .com. well that's all for now. i hope you like what you see because jodi and i love them.


Mr. Heagy said...

Those are both very cool pieces. Well played sir.

dargz said...

i really liked the artwork of the person who did that top one. i was tempted for about a second to buy a piece but then i remembered i am poor.