Saturday, February 24, 2007

an ode to my friend jeff part 2

i have very many pictures of my friend jeff due to many factors. one being that we lived together for a while. the other being i don't have a lot of friends so you'll see a lot of jeff and dave in the future. (they are my only friends) not that there's anything wrong with that. i am quite comfortable with the fact i have only 2 friends. (sniff sniff) anyway i'm babbling. i tend to do that. just ask my 2 friends.


debrowns said...

Can I still be your friend? We never see each other, so you can't take my picture, but I hope that won't stand in the way of a friendship :)

Anonymous said...

i feel the same as debrowns. the hard part is that i thought we were friends...sniff...sniff